Friday, April 17, 2015


Christianity merged with Nazism
Adherents of Positive Christianity argued that traditional Christianity emphasized the passive rather than the active aspects of Christ's life, stressing his miraculous birth, his suffering, his sacrifice on the cross and other-worldly redemption. They wanted to replace this doctrine with a "positive" emphasis on Christ as an active preacher, organizer and fighter who opposed the institutionalized Judaism of his day.
While many such scholars sought to place Jesus in the context of ancient Judaism, some writers reconstructed a historical Jesus who corresponded to racialist and anti-semitic ideology. In the writings of such anti-semites as Emile Burnouf, Houston Stewart Chamberlain and Paul de Lagarde, Jesus was redefined as an Aryan hero who struggled against Jews and Judaism. Consistent with their origins in Higher Criticism, such writers often either rejected or minimized the miraculous aspects of Gospel narratives, reducing the crucifixion to a tragic coda to Jesus's life rather than its prefigured culmination. Both Burnouf and Chamberlain argued that the population of Galilee was racially distinct from that of Judea. Lagarde insisted that German Christianity must become "national" in character.

Christianity merged with Marxism
Liberation theology refers to forms of local or contextual theology that proposes that knowledge of God based on revelation leads necessarily to a Christian theological praxis that opposes unjust social and political structures. It has been described as "an interpretation of Christian faith through the poor's suffering, their struggle and hope, and a critique of society and the Catholic faith and Christianity through the eyes of the poor". Detractors have called it Christianized Marxism.
Liberation theology proposes to fight poverty by addressing its alleged source: sin. In so doing, it explores the relationship between Christian theology (especially Roman Catholic) and political activism, especially in relation to social justice, poverty, and human rights. The principal methodological innovation is seeing theology from the perspective of the poor and the oppressed. For example Jon Sobrino, S.J., argues that the poor are a privileged channel of God's grace.
Some liberation theologians base their social action upon the Bible scriptures describing the mission of Jesus Christ, as bringing a sword (social unrest), e.g. Isaiah 61:1, Matthew 10:34, Luke 22:35–38 — and not as bringing peace (social order). This Biblical interpretation is a call to action against poverty, and the sin engendering it, to effect Jesus Christ's mission of justice in this world.
 Both are attempts to see Jesus through a certain lens. A lens of political struggle.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Three Websites

I want you to take a look at three websites.

When you browse them, ask yourself this question: "Does this organization talk like they run the government?".

The Communist Party of China

The Republican Party (United States)

The Department of Transportation (United States)

All of these websites are engaged in public relations. They are promoting a positive vision of the organizations activities. The CPC is promoting actual policy initiatives. So is the DOT. The GOP is selling t-shirts, bashing Hillary, and complaining about extremely general concepts like "taxes" and "freedom".

You'll notice something else. The DOT has a ".gov" URL, which is short for "government". The Republican party has a ".com" URL, which was short for "commercial", but is now just a general top-level domain name for non-governmental websites..

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Pope used to Hate America

Did you know that Roman Catholics named a heresy after the USA? It's called Americanism.
The Americanist heresy is characterized as an insistence upon individual initiative which the Vatican judged to be incompatible with what was considered to be a fundamental principle of Catholicism: obedience to authority. Moreover, the continental conservatives were anti-republicans who distrusted and disliked the democratic ideas that were dominant in America.
Let's identify a few teachings of Rome that are contrary to the ideas articulated by the Founding Fathers. From the Syllabus of Errors (1864), a list of condemned beliefs:
18. Protestantism is nothing more than another form of the same true Christian religion, in which form it is given to please God equally as in the Catholic Church.
24. The Church has not the power of using force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect.
44. The civil authority may interfere in matters relating to religion, morality and spiritual government: hence, it can pass judgment on the instructions issued for the guidance of consciences, conformably with their mission, by the pastors of the Church. Further, it has the right to make enactments regarding the administration of the divine sacraments, and the dispositions necessary for receiving them.
48. Catholics may approve of the system of educating youth unconnected with Catholic faith and the power of the Church, and which regards the knowledge of merely natural things, and only, or at least primarily, the ends of earthly social life.
54. Kings and princes are not only exempt from the jurisdiction of the Church, but are superior to the Church in deciding questions of jurisdiction.
55. The Church ought to be separated from the State, and the State from the Church.
67. By the law of nature, the marriage tie is not indissoluble, and in many cases divorce properly so called may be decreed by the civil authority.
77. In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship.
78. Hence it has been wisely decided by law, in some Catholic countries, that persons coming to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own peculiar worship.
80. The Roman Pontiff can, and ought to, reconcile himself, and come to terms with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.
 The American government, and similar types of governments, were founded in opposition to these ideas.

To be specific, the Roman Catholic church has condemned religious liberty (77), legal worship by non-Catholics (78), non-Catholic state education (48), and many other things. There are many more issues, but these serve as good examples.

Modern America is in conflict with Islam. Old America was in a similar conflict with Rome.

Islam doesn't support religious liberty, non-Muslim state eduction, et cetera. Reconciling Islam with any mainstream, modern American political ideology is impossible. You must either gut Islam, removing many of it's teachings, or you must gut liberal democracy.

Roman Catholicism faced a similar choice in the past 100 years. It chose to adopt the American view of church-state relations, and contradict it's previous teachings.

From Dignitatis Humanae (1965):
This Vatican Council declares that the human person has a right to religious freedom. This freedom means that all men are to be immune from coercion on the part of individuals or of social groups and of any human power, in such wise that no one is to be forced to act in a manner contrary to his own beliefs
It follows that a wrong is done when government imposes upon its people, by force or fear or other means, the profession or repudiation of any religion, or when it hinders men from joining or leaving a religious community.
 It should be noted that this "immunity from coercion" doesn't apply to racists, sexists, or various other types of groups that disagree with the Progressive religion.

American Saints of the Supreme Being

 Jefferson Memorial:

Roman Temple:

It's hard not to notice the similarities. Inscribed on the Jefferson memorial is the quote:
"...I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
 - Thomas Jefferson

That's a metaphor, right? Is he talking about an actual altar? I'm not sure about Jefferson specifically, but his friends seem to believe in an actual altar.

Cult of Reason:
The Cult of Reason was a belief system established in France and intended as a replacement for Christianity during the French Revolution.
The Cult of Reason was explicitly anthropocentric. Its goal was the perfection of mankind through the attainment of Truth and Liberty, and its guiding principle to this goal was the exercise of the human faculty of Reason. In the manner of conventional religion, it encouraged acts of congregational worship and devotional displays to the ideal of Reason. A careful distinction was always drawn between the rational respect of Reason and the veneration of an idol: "There is one thing that one must not tire telling people," Momoro explained, "Liberty, reason, truth are only abstract beings. They are not gods, for properly speaking, they are part of ourselves."
This is the Roman Catholic church they stole and turned into a "Temple of Reason".

The Cult of Reason was the most radical wing of the French revolutionaries. The more moderate faction was the Cult of the Supreme Being. Lead by Maximilian Robespierre, it became the state religion of the revolutionary French Republic.
Robespierre believed that reason is only a means to an end, and the singular end is virtue. He sought to move beyond simple deism (often described as Voltairean by its adherents) to a new and, in his view, more rational devotion to the Godhead. The primary principles of the Cult of the Supreme Being were a belief in the existence of a god and the immortality of the human soul. Though not inconsistent with Christian doctrine, these beliefs were put to the service of Robespierre's fuller meaning, which was of a type of civic-minded, public virtue he attributed to the Greeks and Romans. This type of virtue could only be attained through active fidelity to liberty and democracy. Belief in a living god and a higher moral code, he said, were "constant reminders of justice" and thus essential to a republican society.

If you're familiar with the writings of the American Founding Fathers, you'll recognize the similarity here. Robespierre's religious beliefs were quite similar to Jefferson's religious beliefs.

Here is the Roman Catholic church the Cult of the Supreme Being stole, and used for their services.

Does this strike you as "non-religious"?

From the lips of Ronald Reagan:
Those -- Those who created our country -- the Founding Fathers and Mothers -- understood that there is a divine order which transcends the human order. They saw the state, in fact, as a form of moral order and felt that the bedrock of moral order is religion.
The Mayflower Compact began with the words, "In the name of God, Amen." The Declaration of Independence appeals to "`Nature's God"' and the "Creator'" and "the Supreme Judge of the world." Congress was given a chaplain, and the oaths of office are oaths before God.
James Madison in the Federalist Papers admitted that in the creation of our Republic he perceived the hand of the Almighty. John Jay, the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, warned that we must never forget the God from whom our blessings flowed.
  - Ronald Reagan

Which God is Ronald Reagan talking about? Jesus? Or the "Supreme Being"?

When Thomas Jefferson wrote about the "Creator" in the Declaration of Independence, was he talking about Jesus? Or the "Supreme Being"?

There is one key difference between the French Cult of the Supreme Being (CSB) and the American CSB.

In the period of 1770-1870, the Roman Catholic church did not give an inch to CSB-type beliefs. There were attempts by Catholics to develop a synthesis of the CSB and Catholicism. The Pope responded by aggressive condemnation and persecution, most notably in Auctorem Fidei, and the Syllabus of Errors.

As a result, people with CSB-type beliefs hated the Roman Catholic church. Thomas Jefferson's rhetoric on religion was focused primarily against Roman Catholicism. The same for most Enlightenment-era Deists.

However, Protestants, especially low-church Protestants, developed a synthesis of the CSB, and their Protestant religion. Historically, it is difficult to tell whether figures like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington were Protestants or Deists. Why? Because Protestants and Deists said very similar things about God, and how God relates to civic life.

If you go to Washington DC, they promote something quite similar to the CSB. Since Jefferson, there have been various saints added to the CSB. In Washington, we have shrines to the Saints of the CSB: Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King

You will not find a shrine to Jesus. Or Krishna. Or Buddha. Or Confucius. Or Allah. Or St. Vladimir.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Are You an Uninformed Voter? The Test

There are 15 Departments in the United States Federal Government. Each of them has a Secretary.

For example, Donald Rumsfeld was the Secretary of Defense under President Bush.

1) Grab a pencil and paper
2) Name as many Federal Departments as you can (there are 15).
3) For each Department, name a Cabinet Secretary

The answers

To pass this test, you need to get 15 of 15. If you fail this test, you are not qualified to vote. If you pass this test, you are a nerd, and still probably not qualified to vote.

If you can't name the existence of a department, or the most influential individual in that department, how can you manage the department? In order to manage a department, you need a deep understanding of that department. You can't have a deep understanding of the Department of X, without several years of education in X. And there are 15 different departments.

People cannot elect their own government. Somebody else must make the actual decisions. Managing the government is an incredibly complex task, a thousand times more complex than managing a Fortune 500 company. And almost nobody is qualified to run a Fortune 500 company.

Democracy is a lot like Santa Claus. It doesn't exist, never existed, and can't exist. But it's a nice-sounding fiction that we tell to the gullible.

Semantic Iconography, Political Correctness and Insults

Swear words are generally not used in their literal way. But they always have a nasty literal meaning.

1) "This fucking moron cut me off in traffic!"
2) "I hate the damn drivers around here"
3) "That guy in the van is an asshole"
4) "People in large trucks are always dicks"
5) "That woman driving the SUV is a cunt"

One hundred years ago, "gay" had no association with sodomy. In the past sixty (or so) years, it began to mean "sodomite". Suddenly, the term "gay" becomes an insult. From what I've gathered, it is usually used as a synonym of "pathetic" or "perversely effeminate".

6) "That car is so gay"

Why? Well, people use these words because they have nasty associations. If a person is a "asshole", that means they are repulsive. If a person is a "damn ____", then you are wishing that they go to hell.

Regardless of how much brainwashing we undergo, sodomy will still be repulsive, especially to men. So "gay" will remain an insult in the popular language.

Sometimes it's quite funny.

When a Progressive says that "homophobes are gay", is it a compliment, insult, or neither? They seem to say it in an insulting fashion.

Salvation in the Roman Catholic Church

The Papal Bull - Unam Sanctam:
Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff
 I should point out that this document almost certainly meets the conditions for Papal Infallibility.

The (Infallible) Council of Florence:
all those who are outside the catholic church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the catholic church before the end of their lives
The Council of Florence was called to condemn the "errors" of the Eastern Orthodox churches. The condemnation of Orthodox doctrine was the central theme of the council.

The (Infallible?) Second Vatican Council
But the plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator. In the first place amongst these there are the Muslims, who, professing to hold the faith of Abraham, along with us adore the one and merciful God, who on the last day will judge mankind. Nor is God far distant from those who in shadows and images seek the unknown God, for it is He who gives to all men life and breath and all things, and as Saviour wills that all men be saved. Those also can attain to salvation who through no fault of their own do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, yet sincerely seek God and moved by grace strive by their deeds to do His will as it is known to them through the dictates of conscience.
This raises an interesting question - what is necessary for salvation? Apparently the Gospel isn't.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Saudi Arabia vs. Sweden

Here is an examples of the epitome of a religious state, contrasted with the epitome of a "secular" or "progressive" state.

Let me preemptively summarize the situation. Sweden mandates "progress". Saudi Arabia mandates Islam.

We notice a curious symmetry between the "secular" principles of progress and the religious principles of Islam. Both display a deep hostility toward other religions that oppose them, and aggressively persecute those religions through law.

Quotes about Saudi Arabia are taken from the Wikipedia article Human Rights in Saudi Arabia.
As an Islamic state, Saudi Arabia gives preferential treatment for Muslims. During Ramadan, eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours is not allowed. Foreign schools are often required to teach a yearly introductory segment on Islam. Saudi religious police have detained Shi'ite pilgrims participating in the Hajj, allegedly calling them "infidels in Mecca". The restrictions on the Shi'a branch of Islam in the Kingdom along with the banning of displaying Jewish, Hindu and Christian symbols have been referred to as apartheid
Sweden's anti-discrimination laws are as bizarre as they are magical. Hairdressers are not allowed to vary their prices based on gender, putting up the price of a short-back-and-sides towards the £50 mark. Taxis which used to offer special rates to single women going home late at night have been told to stop. Women can swim topless in public pools unless there is a law to require men cover their nipples. Stockholm District Court recently ruled that pregnancy was an illness. Activists are pushing to end gender specific pronouns in the language. More men than women now complain to the discrimination ombudsman.
In Saudi Arabia, the state will tell you not to display Christian symbols in public. In Sweden, the state will often tell you not to display Christian symbols in public (in many circumstances, that qualifies as discrimination, especially if you are at a place of work).

In Saudi Arabia, women are required to wear modest clothes. In Sweden, private institutions cannot discriminate against women wearing immodest clothes, unless men are required to wear the same type of clothes.
Saudi women face discrimination in many aspects of their lives, such as the justice system. Although they make up 70% of those enrolled in universities, for social reasons, women make up 5% of the workforce in Saudi Arabia, the lowest proportion in the world. The treatment of women has been referred to as "sex segregation" and "gender apartheid".
In Saudi Arabia, people are required to be sex-segregated. In Sweden, anti-discrimination law prohibits sex-segregation. These rules are applied to government institutions, as well as private institutions.
According to a 2009 Human Rights Watch report, Shia citizens in Saudi Arabia "face systematic discrimination in religion, education, justice, and employment". Saudi Arabia has no Shia cabinet ministers, mayors or police chiefs, according to another source, Vali Nasr, unlike other countries with sizable Shia populations (such as Iraq and Lebanon) . Shia are kept out of "critical jobs" in the armed forces and the security services, and not one of the three hundred Shia girls’ schools in the Eastern Province has a Shia principal.
We can compare this with racists, sexists, and homophobes, who are discriminated against in Swedish religion, education, justice, and employment. It is important to remember that believing what the Bible says about women submitting to their husbands is "sexist" by any normal modern definition of the word.
Saudi Arabia: Because anti-Shia attitudes are engrained from an early age, they are passed down from generation to generation. This prejudice is found not only in textbooks (often characterizing the faith as a form of heresy worse than Christianity and Judaism), but also within the teachers in the classroom, and even in the university setting. (Wahhabi) teachers frequently tell classrooms full of young Shia schoolchildren that they are heretics. Teachers who proclaim that Shiites are atheists and deserve death have faced no repercussions for their actions, barely even receiving punishment.
We can compare this with Swedish teachers, who are rarely punished for saying that "the pope", "racists", "sexists", "homophobes" are heretics evil.
Rabbi Alexander Namdar and Rebbetzin Leah Namdar have chosen to home-school their children, thus giving them a Jewish education and ensuring they can still live full Jewish lives. 
Sweden has very tight restrictions on home-schooling, allowing it only in what they call “extraordinary circumstances.” In the ultra-secular country of Sweden, religion is not considered an extraordinary circumstance.
The city of Gothenburg is threatening to fine the Namdar family 2400 dollars per week if they do not comply and put their children in public school, which to me seems like nothing short of forced assimilation. If, chas v’chalilah (G-d forbid), the Namdar children are put in public school they would not be able to uphold their orthodox Jewish lives. The city of Gothenburg is not only taking radical steps to assimilate the Namdar family, they are also putting their children at risk of anti-Semitic bullying, or worse. The crime they are committing is trying to give their children a Jewish education and ensuring they stay Jewish in a secular society, all while being a haven for other Jews in the area, providing kosher meals, religious services and learning. For this, they are being persecuted. For this, they may have to leave.
Sweden's education policy is essentially forced integration. Religious subcultures are forcibly assimilated. Children may be Jewish on the Sabbath, or Christian on Sunday, but are required to learn Progressive things on Monday-Friday.
[Saudi Arabian] speech, the press and other forms of communicative media, including television and radio broadcasting and Internet reception, are actively censored by the government to prevent political dissent and anything deemed, by the government, to be offensive to the Wahhabi culture or Islamic morality.
Sweden prohibits hate speech, and defines it as publicly making statements that threaten or express disrespect for an ethnic group or similar group regarding their race, skin colour, national or ethnic origin, faith or sexual orientation.
In Saudi Arabia, it is usually illegal to express disrespect for the prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam. In Sweden, it is often illegal to express disrespect for the prophet Muhammad and the religion of Islam, and a thousand other religions.

(unless you are criticizing Muhammad for being insufficiently progressive, in which case you are likely to be given leniency)
Homosexuality is frequently a taboo subject in Saudi Arabian society and is punished with imprisonment, corporal punishment and capital punishment. Transgenderism is generally associated with homosexuality.
The Constitution of Sweden bans discrimination on grounds of "sexual orientation". In 1987 discrimination against gay men and lesbians was included in the section of the penal code which deals with discrimination on grounds of race, etc. In 2008 transgender identity or expression was added to a new unified discrimination code which came into force 1 January 2009.
In Saudi Arabia, public sodomy will typically be punished by imprisonment or whipping. In Sweden, discrimination against sodomy will typically be punished by requiring the discriminating person to pay the "victim" of discrimination a large sum of money. If he does not pay the "victim", the police will seize his assets.

Fun with Synonyms

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948 at the Palais de Chaillot, Paris. The Declaration arose directly from the experience of the Second World War and represents the first global expression of rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled.

Synonyms are fun. Here are some.

Universal : Catholic
Declaration :  Profession
Human : Natural ("natural" is defined as "being in accordance with or determined by human nature")
Rights : Law (since it's being used in a legal context)

I propose a different title.
Catholic Profession of Natural Law
The United Nations claims to be a secular institution. Yet they use decidedly religious language.

I think the Catholic religion based in New York is worse than the Catholic religion based in Rome. Though due to the increasing Roman Catholic involvement with ecumenism and leftist activism, I suspect that most Roman Catholics (including the Pope) believe in the Primacy of New York.

Monoculture and Big Government

One of the more interesting things in American history is the disappearance of ethnic groups in to a generic monoculture. One hundred years ago, Irish Catholics usually married Irish Catholics. They didn't usually marry Protestants, or even other Catholic ethnicities. The same was true for German Lutherans, and the Anglo/Episcopalian establishment.

Louisiana used to Cajun country. Latinos used to speak Spanish, but today Spanish is primarily spoken by Latinos that recently immigrated. Except for Orthodox Jews, it's difficult to tell a Jew from a non-Jew.

This is not historically normal. Three hundred years ago, all Jews were Orthodox, and none were Americanized (or French-ized, or whatever). Ireland is a relatively small country, but managed to develop non-Irish languages, for example Cant

I would imagine that our mass media and mass education has a homogenizing effect. But I suspect the larger cause is the United States Government (USG)

If people live under the same laws, a monoculture tends to emerge. Especially if the government is very large, and encompasses a large portion of society.

The Amish are a subculture, and their attempts to keep themselves autonomous from the mass culture consistently places them in conflict with the USG. The Amish have successfully held off the USG, but not without difficulty.

I expect that less devout religious subcultures have have had less success in holding off the USG. And the Amish are allowed this freedom on religious grounds only. Subcultures that are not primarily religious would not be given this measure of autonomy by the USG.

Scripture and Race

The Bible never directly addresses the subject of race. There really isn't a Biblical example of a multi-racial society. The darkest-skinned people in the Bible would have been Ethiopians. The lightest-skinned would have likely been Italians. And both were fairly rare. From what I understand, most people in the Bible would have looked like modern Palestinians.

The Old Testament is quite comfortable with clans, and favoritism based on family. The New Testament deals less with a clan system, but strongly reinforces the family-first mentality.

1 Timothy 5:8 (ESV) But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

If we assume that a "race" is a collection of related clans, then it is difficult to reconcile Christianity and the doctrine of universal human equality. It can't be sinful to prioritize people more closely related to you, if we are commanded to prioritize people more closely related to us.

Of course, "race" is a very ambiguous concept. And people define it differently.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

American Jizya

There is nothing new under the sun.

Wikipedia: Jizya

Under Islamic law, jizya ... is a per capita tax levied on a section of an Islamic state's non-Muslim subjects, who meet certain criteria. The tax is and was to be levied on able-bodied adult males of military age (but with specific exemptions). From the point of view of the Muslim rulers, jizya was a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state and its laws. In return, non-Muslim subjects are permitted to practice their faith, to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy, to be entitled to the Muslim state's protection from outside aggression, and to be exempted from military service and from the zakat tax levied upon Muslim citizens.

Black history

In July [of 1970] the IRS concluded, based upon a January ruling by the District Court for the District of Columbia, that it could “no longer legally justify allowing tax-exempt status to private schools which practice racial discrimination.” (IRS News Release, July 7, 1970) In a letter dated November 30, the IRS formally notified private schools, including those involved in the earlier litigation, of this change in policy, “applicable to all private schools in the United States at all levels of education.”

Institutions that racially discriminate are subject to a tax. Institutions that do not racially discriminate are not subject to a tax. In other words, if your institution does not believe in our spiritual doctrine of human equality, you must pay Jizya.

In 1978, the Mormon church received a "revelation" from God that discovered that there should be no racial requirements for the Mormon priesthood. And in the last 60 years, most Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic church, have made gender/racial equality a significant part of their theology.

Is there any connection between the special taxes applied to racist/sexist/homophobic institutions, and the increasing prevalence of anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-homophobic teachings in churches?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Feminists and the Definition of Consent

Feminists tend to have a very limited definition of consent. I've tried to outline a few of their principles.

1) Consent, once given, may always be reversed.

In Christian societies, a wife who consented to marriage was consenting to be permanently sexually available to her husband. This is based on explicit Christian teaching, most notable St. Paul's instructions in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5. If you believe this teaching, marital rape is an oxymoron.

If we believe that a person genuinely owns their body, they can presumably sell their body. However, our legal system is not based on private property, or Christian law. It is based on feminist moral norms.

2) Consent must be free from economic or social pressure

Prostitutes sell temporarily sexual availability for money. If the prostitute owns her body, this is obviously not a violation of private property. But it is a violation of feminist morality, and may be declared rape.

3) Consent cannot be obtained through fraud or other improper means

From the Feminist Perspectives on Rape:
Cases of nonconsensual but unforced sex, on the other hand, include those in which the victim is induced to have sex through fraudulent misrepresentation (for instance, a doctor telling her that sex with him is necessary for her cure), and those in which she is coerced through nonviolent means (for instance, a professor telling her that she must have sex with him to pass the course). The tendency of the law to see such encounters as meaningfully consensual departs strikingly from how consent is understood in other areas; as West observes, “fraud or coercion that vitiates consent in nonsexual contexts constitutes either criminal or tortious activity” (240).

Code-speak and Acadmic Leftism

When you talk to someone, you typically want to communicate your message clearly. However, sometimes communicating your message clearly will get you in trouble with someone else. So you're trying to communicate with one person, while disguising your meaning.

For example, adults often develop code phrases to obliquely talk about sex around children and sensitive adults. Phrases like "have sex" or "fuck" become phrases like "go home with" or "sleep with".

Older children and adults may grasp what "going home with" someone actually entails, but young children don't. And sensitive adults can partially ignore the actual meaning of "going home with" someone, since it only implies sex, rather then explicitly stating it.

We notice this in academia. When an academic feminist uses the word "rape" she is probably not using the dictionary Merriam Webster definition:

to force (someone) to have sex with you by using violence or the threat of violence

For example, in the Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy we see the entry Feminist Perspectives on Rape:

One limitation of a purely performative account of consent is that it does not take into account the context in which the relevant behavior or utterance occurs. For instance, if a woman says “yes” or even feigns sexual enthusiasm in order to keep a knife-wielding attacker from becoming angry and hurting or killing her, it would be absurd to regard her behavior or utterance as consent (or at least as meaningful consent). The question is what other contextual constraints and pressures may also undermine the validity of a woman's (apparent) consent. To put the point another way, having granted that “no” always means no, we must recognize that, in some cases, “yes” also means no. There are many kinds of explicit and implicit threats that render a woman's consent to sex less than meaningful: the man may threaten to sue for custody of their children, to derail her green card application, to evict her, or simply to sulk and make her life miserable for days should she refuse to have sex. Which (if any) such nonviolent coercive pressures should be regarded as rape, either morally or legally, is a matter of some controversy (Schulhofer 1998; Burgess-Jackson 1996, 91-106).

The question is especially important from a feminist point of view, since it is to be expected that in a patriarchal society men frequently hold positions of social, legal, and/or institutional power over women and are thus positioned to withhold important benefits from women who refuse them sexual access, in addition to threatening harms and penalties. Viewing at least certain kinds of nonviolent coercive pressures as incompatible with meaningful consent may yield the conclusion that some quid pro quo sexual harassment is also rape (Falk 1998). Furthermore, some radical feminists' description of prostitution as “commercial sexual violence” (Jeffreys 1997) reflects an expansive understanding of the economic and other coercive pressures that often compel women's consent to sexual acts in prostitution (even where physical violence does not play a role)

The term "rape" is used by feminists as code.

Suppose an academic feminist is speaks to another academic feminist. If she uses the word "rape", they both know that it includes most instances of sexual intercourse, and possibly instances of non-sexual-intercourse. The feminist use of the word "rape" is essentially a condemnation of men having sex in a way that doesn't acknowledge women as superior is insufficiently feminist.

However, if a commoner overhears them, the commoner thinks that they're talking about a man grabbing an innocent woman in the park, and forcing himself on her. So the commoner hears a feminist say something to the effect of
"I got a raise for having sex with my boss was raped by my boss, so we need to enact policy X to prevent workplace rape"
And the commoner supports policy X. Of course, policy X is some way of harassing males at work and indoctrinating people with feminist propaganda.

Feminists talk about harassing men for doing normal things like having sex, drinking alcohol, peeing while standing up, et cetera. However, since they use code words like "rape", commoners cannot tell that they are harassing men for normal behavior.

Other code words include "sexist", "chauvinistic", "misogynistic", "discrimination", and "sexual harassment".

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Civil Rights and Legal Speech

Since the 1964 civil rights act, it is de facto illegal to disagree with the idea that all religions, races and sexes are equal.

An institution (i.e. a private corporation) cannot have any policy that discriminates against any race, religion or sex. If they do, the EEOC will bring a lawsuit against that institution, causing it financial damage.

And the EEOC is only one enforcer of anti-discrimination law. Private citizens can file anti-discrimination lawsuits. Various quasi-governmental institutions help those private citizens discover that they were victims, and help them sue.

The evidence supporting discrimination does not need to be official policy of the institution. If a boss routinely makes "racist" statements, that can be used as evidence that racial discrimination occurred.

A business which doesn't want to be sued by the EEOC, must either fire racist employees, or send them to sensitivity training, where they are brainwashed into PC speech. If an employee continues saying racist things after sensitivity training, the business must fire him. Businesses who fail to do this, will face numerous lawsuits, and serious financial consequences.

In other words, "racist" speech is illegal. At least if you have a job. Enforcement of the law varies, depending on the type of job, industry, type of speech, et cetera.

The precise definition of what constitutes valid evidence of "racial discrimination" has shifted over the years. For the most part, it has been defined by courts and the USG civil service.

The ACLU believes in free speech. The government cannot directly criminalize certain political speech. It can, however, require corporations to fire people for political speech. This brings up the obvious question - what good is the ACLU? What is the point of their "civil liberties"? Mencius Moldbug can answer.

Two types of Religion

There are basically two way for religions to propagate.

1) Parent -> Child

Most religions are possessive of their children. They discourage apostasy and blasphemy. Children born inside the religion are seen as automatic members of the religion. Children born outside the religion are not seen as automatic members of the religion.

2a) Missionary -> Convert (voluntary)

Not many religions use this as the primary method of conversion. Voluntary conversions are mostly a matter of having an appealing religion, and good marketing.

2b) Missionary -> Convert (coercive)

State force is the most relevant form of conversion. Missionaries with guns are far more effective than missionaries with books. Especially in modern society, where modern technology has created a very powerful and centralized state.

These methods of reproduction pressure religions in certain directions. Each religion has significant variations in doctrine, worship, morality, et cetera. Not all branches of the religion reproduce equally.

If Parent -> Child is the primary method that the religion uses to reproduce, the religion will tend to become more and more pro-fertility.

If Missionary -> Convert (voluntary) is the primary method, the religion will tend to become more and more appealing to potential converts.

If Missionary -> Convert (coercive) is the primary method, the religion will tend to become and more totalitarian, and better-marketed. A political movement that permits it's opponents free speech will die. A political movement that does not permit it's opponents free speech will survive and expand.

Prior to 1900, most established branches of Christianity reproduced primarily through the Parent -> Child method. This includes Orthodox, Catholics, Lutherans, Presbyterians, et cetera.